

Florida Storytelling Guild is formed by

Annette Bruce


Jennifer Jones Bausman


First Florida StoryCamp at Lake Moon


Aunt Peggy and Jay Smith

Betty Greenwood

Philip Blackburn

Anne Romans

Henrietta Smith

John & Joanne Ward


Second StoryCamp

Doc McConnell

Aunt Peggy & Jay Smith

Dale Webber

Kay Watts

*47 Florida Storytellers charter a bus to Jonesborough, TN, for the National Storytelling Festival


Story Camp # 3

Ralf the storyteller

Michael Parent

Danny Burzlaff

Jayme Green

Jim Mittelstadt


StoryCamp # 4

Bert & Noel MacCarry

Sherry Cotter & Melinda Munger

Terry Deer & Ruth McCormick


StoryCamp  #5

Joan Taylor

Gwenda Ledbetter

Tommy Scott Young

FSG President 88-89

Ann Mancebo


StoryCamp # 6

Chuck Larkin

Donald Davis

Bill Harley

FSG President 89-90

Mitch O’Rear


StoryCamp # 7

Carol Birch

Donald Davis

Elizabeth Ellis

Shelly Harsbarger

Jim Mittelstadt

FSG President 90-91

Melinda Munger


StoryCamp # 8

Michael Parent

Jude Parry

Anne Pellowski

Annette Bruce

Mitch O’Rear

Cathy Neel

FSG President 91-92

Linda Chancey


StoryCamp # 9

Joseph Bruchac

Ajuama Mutima

Adnrena Belcher

Melinca Munger

Rick Stone

Annette Bruce

First Annual Stephen Foster

Storytelling Festival at White Springs

FSG President 92-93

Jim Mittelstadt


StoryCamp # 10

Happy Anniversary!

Jay O’Callahan

Michael Haun

Monte & Carla Froehlich

Chuck Larkin

Phyllis Nesmith & Judith Leipold

FSG President 93-95

Annette Bruce


StoryCamp # 11

David Holt

Barbara McBride-Smith

John McLaughlin

Rick Stone

Michael Haun

Valada Flewellyn


StoryCamp # 12

Jonny Moses

Dan Keding

Mary Hamilton

Suzie Schaeffer

Nancy Kavanaugh

FSG President 95-96

Margaret Lawrence


StoryCamp # 13

Susan Klein

David Novak

JJ Renaeux

Glady’s Varga

Jim Mittelstadt

Disney “Institute”

mission statement adopted;

Myra Davis is FSG Administrator

FSG President 96-97

Phillis NeSmith


StoryCamp # 14

Onawumi Jean Moss

Jim May

Doug Lipman

Kim Rivers

David Matlock

Citrus Storytelling Festival

FSG President 97-98

Herrick Jeffers


StoryCamp # 15

Susan Klein

Donald Davis

Elizabeth Ellis

Doc McConnell

Dan Keding

Mary Hamilton

Jane Sims

John McLaughlin

Suzie Schaeffer

Cissie Griffin

Charlotte Lippincott

Phyllis NeSmith & Myra Davis

David Novak

Nadyne McGladdery replaces

Myra Davis as administrator

FSG President 98-99


StoryCamp # 16

Heather Forest

Margaret Read MacDonald

Rex Ellis

Ed Stivender

Windell Campbell

Roz Bresnick – Perry

FSG becomes FSA

President 99-01

Jane Sims


StoryCamp # 17

Elizabeth Ellis

Loren Niemi

Donald Davis

Diane Ferlatte

James Clayton

Sam & Molly Worley

1st “Gathering of youthful

voices” at storycamp

Lifetime achievement award:

Annette Bruce & Jayme Green

Final White Springs Festival


StoryCamp # 18

Gladys Cogswell

Odds Bodkin

Milbre Burch

Antonio Rocha

Gerald Hausman

Frank & Mary Lee Sweet

Don Leonard organizes another charter bus to Jonesborough!

lifetime achievement award:

Bert & Noel McCarry

FSA President 01-03

Nancy Case


StoryCamp # 19

“Story’s Heal”

Willie Clafin (and Maynard),

Steve Sanfield

Barbara McBride-Smith

Doug Elliott

Carrie Jean Wharton

Diane Rooks

Storytimes Newsletter Revamped into Journal Format

Lifetime Achievment award:

Jim Middelstadt & Virginia Rivers


StoryCamp # 20

“Got Stories”

StoryCamp Tries out Eckard

college in St. Petersburg

Olga Loya

Mary Hamilton

Len Cabral

Bil Lepp

Jim Middelstadt

Elaine Kitchings

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Cissie Griffin & Margaret Lawrence

FSA President 03-05

Pat Nease


StoryCamp # 21

“Stories Keep Us Connected”

StoryCamp back at lake Yale

Dovie Thomason

Bill Harley

Bobby Norfolk

Beth Horner

Carrie Sue Ayvar

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Elaine Kitchings

1st FSA Storylab:

“Coaching and mentoring young tellers”


StoryCamp # 22

“Got Stories?’

Donna Washington Carmen Deedy

Kevin Cordi

Tom Rinkoski

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Jeanne Menter

Carroll Myers replaces Nadyne McGladdery

as FSA Administrator

FSA President 05-07

Kaye Byrnes


StoryCamp # 23

“The Magic Of Stories”

Gail Rosen

Nancy Donoval

Joe wos

Vivian Washington Filer

Pat Nease

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Melinda Munger & Phyllis Nesmith

Service Award:

Kaye Barnes

FSA President 07-09

Kim Rivers


StoryCamp # 24

“Stories, Stories, Everywhere”

Michael Parent

Molly Catron

Michael McCarty

Kuniko Yamamoto

Sandy Walker

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Steve Brooks


StoryCamp # 25

“Coming Home”

Happy Anniversary!

Donald Davis

Heather Forrest

Elizabeth Ellis

Diane Ferlatte

Peninah Schram

David Novak

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Jane Sims

Service Award:

Ann Mancebo & Linda Spitzer

FSA President 09-12

MyLinda Butterworth


StoryCamp # 26

“Many Faces Of Storytelling”

Dan Keding

Dianne de Las Casas


Susan Klein

Ada Forney

Tamara Green

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Pat Nease

Service Award:

Shirley Dunwoody & Herrick Jeffers


StoryCamp # 27

“Just for the Stories”

Bill Lepp

Sherry Norfolk

Jackson Gillman

Megan Hicks

Caren Neile

Roslyn Bresnick-Perry

Lifetime Achievement Awrd:

Ada Forney

Service Award:

Billie Noakes & Emily Harris


StoryCamp # 28


Doug Lipman

Kim Weitkamp

Antonio Rocha

Jeff Gere

Kaye Byrnes

Mij Byram

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Shirley Bryce

Service Award:

Terry Deer


StoryCamp # 29

“Anything Goes”

StoryCamp becomes “StoryFest” and Moves to Mount Dora

Andy Offut Irwin

Geraldine Buckley

David Claunch

Donna Washington

Bob Patterson

Emily Harris

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Ann Scrooggie

Service Award:

Robin Schulte

Jim Gregory

Roz Miller

FSA President 2013-2015

Chris Kastle


StoryCamp # 30

Happy Anniversary!

Willy Claftin

Kevin Kling

Katie Adams

Tales Two Tell

Phyllis Nesmith

1st Storycruise on Lake Dora

Youthful Voices and family fun tent

Swappin’ Grounds & StorySwaps

and YOU are here!


Florida Storytelling Festival # 31

Sheila Kay Adams

Hank Mattson

Christopher Agostino

Cheryl Floyd

Lucrece Louisdhon-Louinis

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Chris Kastle

Chuck Larkin Distinguished service award:

Tamara Green

Guild Service Award:

Marilyn Graham

Margaret Kaler

Jo Bridges & Wayne Garrett


Florida Storytelling Festival # 32

First year for “Front Porch Storytelling”

Featured Tellers: Janice Del Negro, Donald Davis, Kuniko Yamamoto, Mary Kelly, Robin Rennick

Member Showcase: Judy Cooley, Gene Belote, Dwight Elam, Chris Kastle, Sydney Solis, Mike Scotchie, Yvette Thomas

President: Robin Schulte

Lifetime Achievement Award: Betsy Jones Hayba
Chuck Larkin Distinguished Service Award: Mij Byram
Guild Service Award: Jack Copeland, Joyce Sabato, Maureen Belote, Pete & Rusty Abdalla


Florida Storytelling Festival # 33

Featured Tellers: Tim Lowry, Lyn Ford, Jessica McCune, Pat Nease, Windell Campbell

Member Showcase: Pete Abdalla, Rusty Abdalla, Kay Pritcher, Gerri Almand, Mary Lou Williams, Joel Ying

President: Robin Schulte

Lifetime Achievement Award: Ann Mancebo
Chuck Larkin Distinguished Service Award: Carrie Sue Ayvar
Guild Service Award: Carol Johnson, Madeline Pots, Jim Kissane
First year ambassador of Storytelling: Pat Nease


Florida Storytelling Festival # 34

“First Year for Fringe”

Featured Tellers: Dan Yashinski, Darrell House, Dovie Thomason, Kay Pritcher, Ward Rubrecht, Yasu Ishida

Member Showcase: Tashahara Jallad, Autumn Garick, Morgen Reynolds, Marilyn Graham, Jeff Gere, Rhonda Brazina, Eli & Bill Perras, Patricia Lucht, Susan Broland, Fred Kahn

Fringe: ?

President: Robin Schulte

Lifetime Achievement Award: Kaye Byrnes, Betty Fell
Chuck Larkin Distinguished Service Award: Linda Schuyler Ford, Wanda Violet
Guild Service Award: Dr. Joel Ying, Sharon Sappington, Louise O’Leary


Florida Storytelling Festival # 35

Featured Tellers: Sam Payne, Sheila Arnold, Margaret Kaler, Ingrid Nixon, Shawn Welcome

Member Showcase: Walt Belcher, Morgen Reynolds, Bill & Eli Perras, Robyn Rennick, Natalie Bertrami, Rose van der Berg, Nancy Belle Anderson

Fringe: ?

Lifetime Achievement Award: Robin Schulte
Guild Service Award: Mary Lou Williams, Mary Lee Sweet
Ambassador of Storytelling: Sallie O’Hara

Board of Directors: Robin Schulte (President), Jessica McCune (Secretary), Louise O’Leary (Treasurer), Claire Chandler, Madeline Potts, Jerry Smith, Joel Ying


Florida Storytelling Festival # 36

Featured Tellers: Diane Macklin, Simon Brooks, Jeff Doyle, Pete Abdalla, Morgen Reynolds

Member Showcase: Cheryl Floyd, Walt Belcher, Janel Behm, Pamela Minton, Delanna Reed, Kathy Kneiry, Robin Schulte

Fringe: Denise Mount, Jessica McCune, Madeline Potts

Awards: Distinguished Service Award – Madeline Pots, Guild Service Award – Mary Webster, Ambassador of Storytelling – Jody Wren

Board of Directors: Joel Ying (President), Jessica McCune (Secretary), Louise O’Leary (Treasurer), Claire Chandler, Jerry Smith, Ross Tarr, Debra Weller


Florida Storytelling Festival # 37 (Virtual Event)

Featured Tellers: Linda Gorham, Anne Rutherford, Norm Brecke, Linda Schuyler Ford, Josh Campbell

Member Showcase: Wendi Nelson, Rhonda Brazina

Awards: Guild Service Award – Lisa Leonhardt, Ambassador of Storytelling – Drew Sappington

Board of Directors: Joel Ying (President), Jessica McCune (Secretary), Louise O’Leary (Treasurer), Nancy Case, Jerry Smith, Ross Tarr, Debra Weller


Florida Storytelling Festival #38

Featured Tellers: Josh Goforth, Sue O’Halloran, Cooper Braun, Madeline Pots, Orisirisi African Folklore (Don & Tutu Harrell)

Member Showcase: Cheryl Floyd, Kathy Duffy, Ray Teasdale, Eva Grayzel, Janel Behm, Sharon Sappington, Andy Russell

Fringe: Walt Belcher, Louise O’Leary, Katie Green

Awards: Guild Service Award – Rita Saker, Ambassador of Storytelling – Marianne Stein

Board of Directors: Joel Ying (President), Nancy Case (VP), Margaret Kaler (Secretary), Kip Barkley (Treasurer), Jerry Smith, Debra Weller


Florida Storytelling Festival #39

Featured Tellers: Alton Chung, Andy Hedges, Jessica Robinson, Mitchell O’Rear, Robin Schulte

Member Showcase: Pat Nease, Jesse Bradley-Amore, Katie Green, Janel Behm, Andy Russell, Natalie Jones

Fringe: Linda Schuyler Ford, Carol Kramer, Mark Muncy

(1st ever) Tall Tales Liar’s Contest: 1st Place – Pete Abdalla, 2nd Place – Natalie Jones, 3rd Place – Pat Nease

Slam: 1st Place – Mary Lou Williams, 2nd Place – Jack Elliot, 3rd Place – Pat Nease

Awards: Lifetime Achievement Award – Katie Adams, Distinguished Service Award – Walt Belcher, Ambassador of Storytelling – Frank and Mary Lee Sweet, Guild Service Award – Jim Kissane

Board of Directors: Joel Ying (President), Margaret Kaler (Secretary), Walt Belcher (Treasurer), Nancy Case, Lynn Jaffe, Debra Weller


Florida Storytelling Festival #40

Featured Tellers: Connie Regan-Blake, Tim Tingle, Eva Abram, Chris Kastle, Mary Lou Williams

Member Showcase: Janel Behm, Lou Novak, Joanna Demarest, Carrie Sue Ayvar, Kay Pritcher, Fred Clinton, Rose van der Berg

Fringe: Katie Green, Kay Pricher, Julie Bradshaw

Tall Tales Liar’s Contest: 1st Place – Pete Abdalla, 2nd Place – Joanna Demarest, 3rd Place – Walt Belcher

Slam: 1st Place – Walt Belcher, 2nd Place – Marilyn Graham

Awards: Distinguished Service Award – Gia and Peter Giachetti, Ambassador of Storytelling – Natalie Beltrami, Guild Service Award – Kathleen Duffy

Board of Directors: Debra Weller (Pres), Nancy Case (VP), Pat Nease (Sec), Walt Belcher (Treas), Lynn Jaffe, Andy Russell

Festival Director: Joel Ying


Florida Storytelling Festival #41

Featured Tellers: Carol Birch, Johnny Thomas Fowler, Paul Strickland, Linda Chancey Guice, Tamara Green

Member Showcase: Lona Bartlett, Bobby Wesley, Robin Schulte, Whittier Mikkelsen, Janel Woodland, Wanda Violet

Fringe: Walt Belcher, Eric “Tellemtall” Hoeppner, Sandra Measels

Tall Tales Liar’s Contest: 1st Place – Pete Abdalla

Slam: 1st Place – Eric “Tellemtall” Hoeppner, 2nd Place – Cheryl Floyd, 3rd – ???

Awards: Distinguished Service Award – Gia and Peter Giachetti, Ambassador of Storytelling – Natalie Beltrami, Guild Service Award – Kathleen Duffy

Board of Directors: Debra Weller (Pres), Lynn Jaffe (VP), Pat Nease (Sec), Andy Russell (Treas), Walt Belcher, Monica Ladd

Festival Director: Joel Ying, Logistics Coordinator: Louise O’Leary, Story Store Coordinator: Robin Schulte, Storytellers in Schools Coordinator: Kaye Byrnes