Florida Storytelling Festival

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Scroll down to learn more about telling your own story at the festival.

January 22 – 25, 2026

Featured Tellers: Megan Wells, Michael Reno Harrell, George Otieno, Mij Byram, Janel Woodland

Lakeside Inn, Mount Dora, Florida (nearest airport, Orlando) Call from link to get Festival discount

IN-PERSON and LIVESTREAMING. Four days of storytelling performances/concerts by our Professional Featured Professional Storytellers. Workshops. Swaps. Slam. Networking. Fun.

The Florida Storytelling Festival is a premier storytelling event, known nationally for its unique combination of workshops, concerts, youthful voices, and sense of community. People come from across the state of Florida and beyond to explore and savor the art of storytelling. We celebrate stories in the oral tradition.

Full Festival Pass $185, Members $140 (all events)
Listeners Pass $60 (all events, except workshops)
Individual Concerts $10 – $20; Individual Workshops $35

Tell Your Story

Stay tuned for applications… coming July 1st…

Fringe – Tell your 45-minute storytelling program at the festival. It’s a lottery. Deadline: Sept 1st

Member Showcase – At our festival, members are chosen to represent FSA on the main stage with our Featured Tellers each year. Stay tuned for application details. Deadline: Oct 15th

Tall Tales Liar’s Contest – 5-minute tall tales bend the truth. Just show up and put your name in the hat to become the champion Liar of the festival.

Swaps – Just show up and get on the list to tell your story. Names drawn at random. Swaps 5 – 7 minute stories.

Story Slam – It’s a contest. 5-minute stories on the theme. Show up and enter. Win cash prizes!

Youthful Voices – Our grade school tellers open the show for the featured tellers on Saturday of the festival. Send in audition videos. Deadline: Nov 16

Support the Community

VolunteerComplete the volunteer form.

Board of DirectorsSubmit your application.

Awards – Nominate someone for an FSA Award to be presented at our festival banquet.

Program Book Ads – Advertise in our program book in 2025.

Sponsor/Donate – Get your name in our program book as a donor and the promotion at our festival as a sponsor.

Featured Tellers and Front Porch Tellers are chosen by the Board of Directors, by invitation, in advance of each festival. Email us at fsa@flstory.com with your suggestions. If you are interested in being considered as a future Featured Teller, apply HERE.