By JD Adler
The weather was cold, but the stories were hot at the 41st Annual Florida Storytelling Festival. This was my first story festival. Suncoast Storytelling Inc. (St, Petersburg) had honored me with a scholarship to go in my inaugural year as member, for which I am extremely grateful as I had an amazing time.

Mt. Dora is a beautiful, little lakeside town that embodies the word “quaint.” The Lakeside Inn is friendly and provides what one needs from a hotel. The decor is Victorian doll house, the food is acceptable, the rooms are clean and very comfortable, and the shower is warm most of the time. The event was carried off without a hitch. Debra Weller (President of the Board of Directors) and her entire team (which includes Suncoast Storytellers’ own Walt Belcher) deserve many kudos not only for making this happen, but for doing it so well.

The days were long, starting at 8 am and ending at 11 pm. I wont lie, mid-day naps were taken. The workshops were fun and informative, and throughout the day there were Porch Stories; public storytelling by a professional tellers that passerby’s could casually stop for a while and listen to. Although, due to the cold, they weren’t so much porch stories as lobby stories, but that did not subtract from the enjoyment. I was pleasantly surprised over and over by the quality of the content and style of the stories.
The featured tellers were all very impressive. The story swaps, where amateurs like myself got to trade tales, were also filled with incredible talent. It was amazing to witness so many styles of storytelling, and have so many of them be skilled at the craft. There were several tellers for whom, like myself, this was the first time at the Festival. When you are a rookie, it’s nice to see other rookies. It also seems reason for optimism about storytelling as a culture, that we continue to see new blood despite the ubiquity of the digital age.
This event also maintains time for local youth to participate as storytellers. I was impressed with the skills these kids have as performers. They put on shows that were fun and frankly, a little intimidating. It was a joy to watch them. (Even if it did make me question my own skills.) The future of storytelling is in good hands.

Saturday night was a banquet. So of course they served chicken piccata, because that is banquet law. But before our scrumptious repast began, awards were announced. Suncoast Storytellers swept the event, with Ross Tarr, Wanda Stuart, and Katie Green all taking home awards. As a new member, it is inspiring and intimidating to see the organization I just joined is full of so many impressive people. I did manage to win a story slam. If you’re unfamiliar, its basically an open mic with judges. It was the last night of the event and everyone was showing up with their best stuff. The competition was tough, frankly any of us deserved to win, so I am kinda proud of this little award, honestly.
That was an experience I wont soon forget. I had fun and I learned stuff and I met some interesting people. And really, what more can you ask from a weekend?
JD Adler recently moved to the Tampa-St. Petersburg area from Key West. He is a publisher, author, poet and storyteller. He has joined the Suncoast Storytellers. Find out more information at

Great to hear from someone experiencing the festival for the first time! JD was a wonderful addition.