AN IDEA TO SHARE: Come to the StoryTable

The Bay Storytellers (Panama City/Bay County) experienced difficult times after Hurricane Michael.

One of our most prolific and magical members died during the storm and another the following year. We had little on the calendar.

I was on the verge of disbanding altogether when my friend Bryan came up with an idea. Of sorts.
He was working with a new café, looking for ways to increase foot traffic and patronage.

Visiting with him at the site, we were tossing around storytelling ideas when I took note of a long table with seating for 12 and got an idea. Why not invite people in just to meet and talk? No formal “storytelling” as such, but a sharing of experiences, happenings, problems, and everyday life.

We put the word out,10:00 Friday mornings, Café del Mundo in the cove, and invited people to come and share at the StoryTable.

To be honest, I didn’t think the idea would fly. People are busy. Who would have time for this? We probably could just
use a four-top. And then, people showed up. Not hundreds, but enough to fill the table some mornings, and as few as 5
on other days. But once the talk and ideas started flowing, we’d be completely past our 11:30 ending, often talking until
after twelve.

Who came? Delightful people filled with ideas and adventures with the plus of being great listeners! And here’s the clincher: Bryan and I had full calendars for September so we sent out word we would not be
meeting again until October. That didn’t fly with one of our StoryTable friends and HE decided to invite folks on his own. Talk about buy-in.

Once again, the table was full. I feel the table has taken off on a life of its own, and folks will be meeting and talking there whether Bryan and I are present or not. I thought the idea might be one that others might want to try.

Story on – Pat Nease

1 thought on “AN IDEA TO SHARE: Come to the StoryTable”

  1. So pleased to find this post about the Bay County Story Tellers. I will continue to follow on Facebook and may come to the Story Table in the Cove. Hopefully you can once again share your stories with a wider audience.

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