Cold Hands and Warm Hearts

The Florida Storytelling Festival was a success again this year!!!

We braved the coldest weekend in four years to share our stories at the 38th annual Florida Storytelling Festival in Mt. Dora on the last weekend in January.

Musician/storyteller Josh Goforth entertained with his tales and music of the Appalachia. Cooper Braun took us into the world of fairy tales with fresh eyes. Sue O’Halloran challenged us to examine cultural differences.

Madeline Pots wove wonderful personal stories to musical accompaniment. And the Orisirisi African Folklore (Don and Tutu Harrell) gave us spirited drumming and stories from African folklore.

Our Showcase Tellers from throughout the state displayed a wide range of talent and style: Cheryl Floyd, Kathy Duffy, Ray Teasdale, Eva Grayzel, Janel Behm, Sharon Sappington and Andy Russell.

The Fringe tellers (Louis O’Leary, Katie Green and Walt Belcher) commanded their audiences’ attention in 45-minute performances.

The city of Mt. Dora and the Lakeside Inn welcomed us as always. We saw old friends and made new ones. Once again, visitors were exposed to storytelling from the porch tellers who moved into the lobby because of the cold: Pete and Rusty Abdulla, Kaye Byrnes, Janel Behm, Walt Belcher, Robin Schulte, Linda Schuyler Ford, Cheryl Floyd, Bobby Wesley, Carrie Sue Ayvar, and Louise O’Leary.

The Youthful Voices showed impressive talent from five young people: Kaitlyn Baker, Natalie Chen, Yannixan Martinez, Cullen Neet and Leighton Nichols.

There was spirited competition and good times at the festival’s slams and story swaps emceed by Jerry Smith, Mij Byram and Katie Green, Walt Belcher and Daneille Ziss. FSA president Joel Ying, who has guided us through successful festivals, is staying on as president for another year, Also, two new board members were elected: Lynn Jaffe and Walt Belcher.

Festival Photos: If you have any photos to add here, send them to