Storytelling ~ A Quest for Peace

written by Claire Chandler

Storytelling has a ‘voice of it’s own.’  I have told stories of fantasy, humor, wonder and even fright to audiences of all ages and backgrounds.  But, it wasn’t until I told ‘The What If’ story that I realized the power of storytelling in influencing change and creating a path for world peace.

In September 2016, I was selected to be one of the tellers for a ‘Sacred Story Concert’ at the White Mountain Storytelling Festival in New Hampshire.  It was then I wrote and told ‘The What If’ — a poem-story for world peace.  I knew then, that this was just the beginning of my journey with this story.  I planned to have it videotaped and shared on social media.

After many unexpected life ‘turns and twists,’ I was able to have this poem-story produced on video. I even shared with my church congregation, and I was surprised to receive a standing ovation.

This story spurred me to create a new peace initiative that I call “Walk with me on a gentle path to peace.” Nineteen people attended the first meeting. Together we embarked on the path to peace.

Join me on this ‘quest for peace’ by sharing your stories with me on my new Facebook site. You can also watch my video post of ‘The What If’ story-poem. I invite you all to ‘Walk with me on a gentle Path to Peace’…


Send me your ideas and inspirations:

As storytellers, let us become change-makers in this world and get our message out there.

Claire Chandler

Professional Storyteller, Peace Advocate