
Can you hear it?

The word is out and is blowing in the breeze whispering to you that the 33rd Annual Florida Storytelling Festival is coming to life. Tellers are coming from far and wide, as are attendees, a.k.a. listeners. Stories are simmering on the burners of those tellers’ stoves and will come to full done-ness on the stage at Mt. Dora, making for a wonderful feast for all to enjoy.

The Florida Storytelling Association (FSA) Board of Directors and the Festival Director have all been busy getting the ducks in a row for the event.  If you have attended very many storytelling events, you know that the FSA hosts one of the most exciting, rich events anywhere. With the dynamite main stage, the Florida tellers, the Youthful Voices, the many workshops and open-mic events, you will be overwhelmed with opportunities to participate and to listen.
Join us starting Thursday, March 30, and stay for as many events as you can all the way through Sunday, April 2. While we don’t know which session will be your favorite, we do know that you will leave with some stories to tell!

Visit for workshop descriptions, a complete schedule, and much more!

7 thoughts on “CAN YOU HEAR IT?”

  1. I have registered and plan to be there if I am able to walk. I am having my knee replaced tomorrow (2/28). I will be in rehab for about 10 to 11 days and then I will be on outpatient rehab for a while.

  2. This is THE place to be for story lovers and storytellers. I haven't missed once since 1993…and always head home awash with new stories, ideas, and wonderful friends.

  3. Can't wait! Every year I come home inspired, renewed and feeling rejuvenated, intellectually and spiritually. A chance to see old friends and make new ones… every year I make new friends. This is an incredible community!

  4. I'll be with you all in spirit! Your 2011 festival remains a sweet high point in my storytelling adventures. Big hugs to all!

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